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Tammy*, who wished to stay anonymous, detailed how she was abused while playing games and how she feels uncomfortable talking about games.


(Image Credit: UNESCO)

"I've been called all types of names, men have thrown games, said they will report me, I have been team killed, hit on with very sexually aggressively language, threatened to be raped, the whole shebang. Now, I know that sounds bleak but thankfully, it's not the norm. Most of the times I have really no issue. It's just the times you DO have an issue tend to be more memorable.

I gotta say the worst abuse has come from playing in NA servers. I don't know if it's the American political climate or whether in the EU we are all grateful you have a mic and you can speak some kind of English, but it's a thing I noticed.


Those attitudes were always there and Internet and outrage culture definitely didn't help but the real backlash started when companies became more inclusive. It boils down to insecure men feeling threatened that their spaces and hobbies are invaded by "strangers" even though these strangers were always here, capitalism just took a while to notice."

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